Sunday, November 04, 2007


I remember during my secondary school time, I love to play baseball with my classmates after school session. We even represent our school in national stage for baseball activities. At first my teacher did not select me as one of the player due to my small size. However later she was impressed with my playing skill and the way I handle the team, at last I was selected. Thank God for her selection, then I only have the chance to join the team to join in national stage competition. I learnt a lot of thing throughout the competition period and also had made lots of new friends from other schools.

Baseball game is a very challenging and exciting activity for teenager or students. I prefer teenagers addicted to this kind of activities rather than online games or drug addiction. In future I am sure will introduce baseball to my kids when they enter teenager period. By the way, I need to buy them a good quality of Baseball Gloves first before they enter the field to start the games. I need those gloves to give them full protection during playing session as I don’t want anything happen to them. It is good to think of their safety first before anything happen.

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