Monday, November 19, 2007

Visiting dentists

I have a phobia meeting with dentist since childhood. I remember when I was a kid, I am very scare to hear that my mom going to bring me to visit dentist. When she told me when is the appointment date, I will make a remark at calendar. When come to the date, I will try to sneak out from the house and hide at my neighbor house. LOL…however she managed to find me most of the time and drag me to see dentist.

The main reason why I refuse going to visit dentist is due to the clinic has strong medicine smell plus the Anaesthesia injection process is painful to me too. well, I bet not many kids like to visit dentist as me too!

However oral health is important to us, we shall send our kids to visit dentist at least once a year. This is to prevent they have problem teeth at early stage and if they did have then can take proper treatment to overcome the problem. I was told TMJ dentist in NYC assess the entire system of our teeth, jaw, joints and muscles to assure they are working in harmony. This is because they know that if they are not problem function, then we might have pain symptoms for our head, neck and backaches. Their main vision is to ensure we can achieve a lasting state of health and wellness.

This post brought to you by New York Center for Neuromuscular Dentistry.